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Our Case Studies- YYC Group

The Discovery

Datin Yap Shin Siang- CEO of YYC Group, Malaysia

We are a home-grown accounting firm from Malaysia. Now we have our offices in Singapore and also looking to expand our business in Australia.

We are in a very fast pace & fast growth journey. While we are growing so rapidly, we face a lot of bottlenecks. That’s why we look for something different, a system that can help us to scale in a correct way. That’s how we found Jeremy- our business coach in Scaling UP.

Before that we were reading the book ‘Scaling UP’, we found the content is really helpful in our business. But we lack of some of the tools and we wanted to dive deeper, that’s why we look for a business coach.

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The Transformation

In this journey, first thing that we came out is our brand promise ‘To empower business owners to be successful’. At the same time we found out that the dashboard tool is very useful for our business.

There are so many things that we want to do all the time; the dashboard helps us to stay focus in our execution. It also helped us to tweak the strategies as we go along the way. We have not completed our Scaling UP journey yet, but we are really making our progress to scale up.

Most importantly our team is getting more aligned because the top management is involved in this journey together. We look forward to scale up faster and become a billion dollar company.

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Business Background

Company Name: YYC Group

Business: Accountancy Advisory & Consultancy

Country :Malaysia

Malaysia Largest Accountancy Advisory & Consultancy Firm established since 1974, located at Kuala Lumpur. They have a group of professional chartered accountants, tax specialists and business consultants dedicated to advise and assist Malaysian businesses grow. 
Throughout the years they have helped more than thousands of businesses grow. Some of the clients are publicly listed on the stock exchange of Malaysia, some have become globally competitive and have ventured overseas.

Achievement: Massive growth over the past 2 years & the first company in Malaysia to be invested by OCBC Bank. Their business goal in 5 years is to be listed in Malaysia Stock Exchange by 2025.

The Results


Strategic Planning


Aligned Team


Focus Execution

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Looking to regain your freedom and focus your time on things which matters the most

Get clarity and laser focus on your aspirations.

Scale your business and profits to the next level.

Learn from the best – Business coach with practical experience who turnaround the holding company to guide & short cut your own learning for your business.

With a combination of online learning platform, face to face coaching and online coaching modes. Now you can blend and Learn the way that best suits you but first enjoy our complimentary 4 decision assessment.

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4 Decision Assessment

If you are looking to align your team, scale your profits

In any business, no matter what challenges you face, four critical decisions impact your ability to scale up growth. Every business leader must address the need to:


  1. Create a truly differentiated strategy
  2. Tighten up execution habits
  3. Attract and keep the right people
  4. Conserve cash to weather the storms/ Pandemic


How will they benefit the business?

Once you prioritize and fulfil the Four Decisions®, you will maximize your revenue, profit and time—and ultimately enjoy more breakthroughs in your business growth.

How do I apply them?

It’s not a one-and-done process; the challenges distilled into the Four Decisions® are ongoing. Our specially trained Certified Business Coach – Jeremy Han and our team will help you pinpoint your greatest leverage based on the report and focus on your most critical decisions at the right time.

The next step is to pinpoint the critical gaps of your organisation, pin-point the greatest leverage and create a success road map by participating in our 4-Decision assessment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

4 Decision assessment is a powerful tool that focusses on 4 important decision every business owner get right. They are People, Strategy, Execution & Cash.

In Growth Catalyst, we have contextualised this tool and given it an Asian perspective and incorporated the feedback from all our clients.

Upon completion, you will receive a report to identify at least one strength & 1 area of opportunity. 

Our 4 Decision assessment is an online for business owners and top management leaders who are keen to gain insights on the overall health of the organisation in the 4 key areas.

This is an online diagnostic tool thus you will just need to provide your email address for yourself and up to 10 of your key leaders to gain access into our 4 Decision assessment

Just 4 simple steps to follow:

1. Fill in the contact form below.

2. Provide your email address and up to 10 of those whom you would like to invite to participate in our 4 decision assessment.

It will be much preferred if the invites are of executive decision making authority that can impact your business.

It starts when you gain access to our 4 Decision Assessment.

All companies have strengths and weaknesses. Many of them do not know them and thus this online assessment create a platform to assess their business based on the 4 key decisions as designed by the best selling business book – Mastering the Rockefeller Habits. It is evident that after multiple conversations with our clients.

They all want to 3-5X their business but do not know what or where to start and a good starting point is to understand the current status of the business before charting a new roadmap ahead.

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